A video: https://youtu.be/sK-tf5ROyds
FYI: newer posts on the matter:
A Case Of a Dumb Decision: How IT Screwed Us. Again
In Management Thinking Makes All The Difference
I don’t like mismanagement.
FYI: newer posts on the matter:
A Case Of a Dumb Decision: How IT Screwed Us. Again
In Management Thinking Makes All The Difference
I don’t like mismanagement.
don’t like seeing it when it happens, and of course, I don’t like when it
affects my everyday life.
I like writing about it.
gives me interesting material.
the number of the examples of mismanagement has been gradually growing.
them in one post would make that post
way to long. So I, devised a series.
is my first post on events of a mismanagement in or around “our world”.
second one is Venting
Out About Customer Services.
the third one is A Case
Of a Dumb Decision: How IT Screwed Us. Again
Foreword (feel free to skip)
He most of the post is just a description of the
facts of life. Different people may have different emotional reaction to exactly
same facts (“It’s raining – I hate it!”, “It’s raining – I love rain!”). As a
writer, I cannot be responsible for the emotions one may feel when reading my
posts (because I always remain polite, or at least very close to it). But if someone
feels upset, maybe it is not entirely my fault?
Ignoring sloppiness: a sign of tolerance or mismanagement?
Imagine, it is the summer of 2016.
I just started teaching my summer classes.
During my years of teaching I have developed a
certain routine. Since I arrive very early, my first trip is to the office
kitchen, where I charge the coffee machine to make my first mug, which would
keep me for a couple of hours. This time, however, my routine had been broken.
Since recent time, the office people keep the machine working only between 9 am
and 5 pm. When the office is closed, the kitchen is still available, but the
coffee machine is off. Turned out, one night a janitor saw a smoke coming out
from under the kitchen door. Evidently, some grad student, or a postdoc,
left the machine on, with an almost empty jar sitting on the heater. Naturally,
the facilities classified this incident as a fire hazard, and as the result –
the first time in a decade – I was not able to use the office coffee machine in
the morning.
That made me to bring my own personal small
coffee maker.
It also made me think. I realized that for the last several years our office kitchen has been encountering more and more issues. Lately, almost once a month we had circulated an email asking everyone to keep the kitchen clean.
It also made me think. I realized that for the last several years our office kitchen has been encountering more and more issues. Lately, almost once a month we had circulated an email asking everyone to keep the kitchen clean.
This is the beginning of one of such long letter:
“Dear all, Unfortunately, I need to be reaching
out to our community about kitchen etiquette.”
An excerpt from another one:
“Hi All, I wanted to address an issue that we
have been having with the break room coffee machine. If the coffee machine is
in the process of brewing, DO NOT remove the pot to pour a glass. No
matter how quick you swap out the pots, some coffee is spilled onto the burner
and damages the machine. A couple weeks ago the machine had to be replaced
because the burners were no longer functioning, which was caused by coffee
being spilled and left to burn on the hot plate”.
Some of my teaching fellows cannot manage to
remember when they should do their office hours. But more importantly, they do
not think it is a big deal.
One might think that I am whining about “the
youth”. That would be a wrong impression. “The youth” (grad students, even
postdocs) do exactly what they are supposed to do – being absent minded. They
are too old to have a babysitter who would be reminding them what to do and
when. But they are too young to have a personal assistant who would be
reminding them what to do and when. They are at that age when they need to
learn from other professionals, first of all from the people managing their
professional actions, what does it mean to be a professional.
Every institution, every social organization
should have people designated specifically to teaching “the youth” what does it
mean to be a professional, i.e. to teach the basics of the professional ethics
(etiquette). BTW: those people are usually called "a manager".
If newly hired employees misbehave, the main
reason for that is - the management allows it, the management does not spend
enough time for… and does not see the necessity in… teaching to the “youth” the
structure of the professional behavior. The result is – a slow, graduate,
almost invisible rise in the overall sloppiness.
If you start thinking about it, you will
remember things which were not acceptable in the past, but have become normal
these days. It happens everywhere, in stores, at hospitals. You cannot believe
what is happening behind closed doors in nursing homes (and don't make me start
talking about potholes!). And one more thing; for the last five years I have
not attended a single big meeting that would start on time (for one more story
about mismanagement, scroll down to Appendix II).
I am absolutely
convinced that the rise in the sloppiness at all social and governmental levels
was one of the factors which helped Donald Trump to win.
People do not like sloppiness.
Or, rather, people do not like when somebody
else's sloppiness negatively affects their everyday functioning. But people do
not want to confront those managers who tolerate the sloppiness (people in
general try to avoid any “confrontation”, even if it is a discussion about how
to make things to work better). Instead, they turn to a “strong leader”, who is
(a) an outsider (i.e. does not belong to the current managers hated by people),
and (b) promises to solve all the problems at once.
So, all I did in this piece is - I just added
some personal perspective on the matter.
One might ask, why do I care so much?
Before I moved to the U.S. I held some
managerial positions ( Dr. Voroshilov: from A to Z).
In fact, my professional career looks like a
zigzag; rise and fall, another rise and another fall, and another rise
(plotting all my rises together one after another, the total line would have
ended very high :) ). After getting my M.S. diploma I was moving up the ladder
up to the assistant professor, but then the Perestroika destroyed the Russian
economy and everyone was brought to a square one. Then eventually the new
economy stabilized. I moved up again. For example, I ran an IT department
at a state teachers’ school; I also used to work as a managing consultant for
schools and school districts. I rose to the interim director of a
small but important institution (a research arm of a city department of
education). But then I moved to the US and started from working as a janitor at a supermarket. If I would not move, I could have landed at a position at the
state department of education, and nowadays could have been working in Moscow
(people with the knowledge of the matter told me that I was one of those who
were on the list, and the list was short - if I knew all that, I still would
have moved, but I would be building my career very much differently; people who
were supposed to be smart, honest, visionary turned out to be not as smart,
honest, visionary as I thought; and of course, I was not visionary enough to
see it then).
What I see now is that overtime more and more
managers adopted "a reactive management style", and less and less
managers use "a proactive management style"; instead of thinking
ahead, anticipating what might happen and organizing - a.k.a. managing - people
accordingly, they just wait until something happens and react; "don't fix
it if it ain't broke" type of "management".
So, I know a thing or two about
management. But when I moved to the U.S. I knew I would not be managing
anymore. I have found a good and comfortable job, and just ignored all the
sloppiness and all the signs of mismanagement around me.
I had one simple reason for ignoring those
things – they did NOT have any effect on my life.
Until November 8, 2016.
For me, November 8th, 2016 was the result of (a)
a "half" of a country was not thinking and voted for Trump (more on
the role of "thinking" is here http://www.cognisity.how/2017/12/cyber.html);
(b) another "half" of a country was not smart enough to prevent Trump
from winning (starting from pushing for the worst Democratic candidate: Why Didn't Hillary Clinton Win The Race?).
On November 8, 2016 I realized that - despite my expectations- the American establishment has had no idea what has been happening inside the American society, which is - without a doubt - a clear sign of mismanagement (a.k.a. a poor management).
Trump’s presidency had shown me that I should not have been ignoring the sloppiness around me. No one should have been ignoring the sloppiness around them. Maybe, just maybe, we would have had a different president. With the Trump at the helm all my hopes for a simple and quiet retirement are at risk. I am not old yet, but I want to know that when I will, I will be able to afford my medical bills – at the minimum.
Trump’s presidency had shown me that I should not have been ignoring the sloppiness around me. No one should have been ignoring the sloppiness around them. Maybe, just maybe, we would have had a different president. With the Trump at the helm all my hopes for a simple and quiet retirement are at risk. I am not old yet, but I want to know that when I will, I will be able to afford my medical bills – at the minimum.
So, my current strategy is borrowed from The
Department of The Homeland Security: “see something – say something”.
This is me saying what I see.
And I see a lot of sloppiness.
P.S. Every
time when I think about the current state of management, my thoughts circle to
the story of Netflix and Blockbuster. There have been many papers about how
Blockbuster missed an opportunity to buy Netflix. I like this one http://www.businessinsider.com/blockbuster-ceo-passed-up-chance-to-buy-netflix-for-50-million-2015-7
because of the phrase “Management and vision are two
separate things”.
Very true. Not new. But very true.
A chameleon,
because he/she uses all the energy to pretend to lead the organization, when in fact all he/she does is seeking the approval from the superiors (to be allowed to keep the position).
When growing up and when climbing a career ladder, the current generation of managers (in the large numbers) has not had to overcome strong personal or professional challenges; the path up the ladder was nice and smooth. The number one quality for becoming a manager was an ability to avoid any potential tensions (hence, any potential “tension-generators”), and the number two was the ability to represent a shiny image of the organization “A Convenient Lie” or “What Research University Faculty Tell Themselves About Their Teaching”)."
Appendix I
the true management includes vision.
you are in a management but have no vision, you are not really a manager but
just a bureaucrat functioning according to a program which has been written for
P.P.S. Two appropriate quotes from another post on the matter (more about management in science).
1. "For thirty years 99 % of all politicians, all appointed and elected government officials governed the Country using only one rule -
2. "How do you call a manager who cannot manage?P.P.S. Two appropriate quotes from another post on the matter (more about management in science).
1. "For thirty years 99 % of all politicians, all appointed and elected government officials governed the Country using only one rule -
what is good (bad) for the Wall Street is good (bad) for the Country. "
A chameleon,
because he/she uses all the energy to pretend to lead the organization, when in fact all he/she does is seeking the approval from the superiors (to be allowed to keep the position).
When growing up and when climbing a career ladder, the current generation of managers (in the large numbers) has not had to overcome strong personal or professional challenges; the path up the ladder was nice and smooth. The number one quality for becoming a manager was an ability to avoid any potential tensions (hence, any potential “tension-generators”), and the number two was the ability to represent a shiny image of the organization “A Convenient Lie” or “What Research University Faculty Tell Themselves About Their Teaching”)."
a week later had read this:
"It’s downright debilitating to a high achiever. I’m working my heart out and every time I look up Donna-Do-Nothing is contemplating how long is too long to take for lunch. I start wondering why leadership tolerates this."
Very resonating.
"It’s downright debilitating to a high achiever. I’m working my heart out and every time I look up Donna-Do-Nothing is contemplating how long is too long to take for lunch. I start wondering why leadership tolerates this."
Very resonating.
Appendix II
Another interesting example of mismanagement
comes from one of my summers.
One of the building with one of my offices got a
brand-new air-conditioning system. The cost of the project was about twenty
million dollars. The summer of that year was especially hot. When one day the
temperature in my office reached almost 80 F, I called the maintenance and
asked to cool the air down. They said they would. And soon the air got a little
bit cooler. Not much, but OK. The next day the temperature went up again, I
called again, the did something and for some time the air was not as hot as
before, but then got hot again. This “dance” lasted for four days, then a guy
came to me to see if it was really as hot as I said. It was. Long story short,
one day he told me that he could not do anything about it. All I could get is a
fan – but I already had two. Turned out, my office was the last in the long
chain of offices and laboratories. If the day was hot and all rooms before mine
were cooling air, the system had no power enough to cool the air in my office.
I had to just live with it. Fortunately, that was not the only place where I
could do my work. But this whole story got me thinking. Could you imagine that
when the top managers were negotiating with the company doing the project, they
would say: “OK, we give you $20,000,000.00 and you install the new
air-conditioning system”; and they guy from the company would say: “Yes, OK,
there is only one little thing. You know, when a summer will be very hot, one office
in your building will not be cooled down, is it OK?” And the top managers would
say: “Of course it’s OK, one office, not a big deal, take the money!”
I am sure this conversation is purely imaginary,
and in reality, it was assumed that all offices in the building would be able
to provide nice working conditions for all seasons and all seasonal
temperatures. And I assume that the contract had a clause about warranty and
conditions for repairs. But there was no mechanism put in place to initiate a
case. It was a duty of the management to install such system which would
collect information about various issues and complains; specifically, what to
do if the same type of an issue reoccurs on a regular basis. And the management
had to instruct the lower level on how to collect and process information and
how to react on the occurrences of repetitive issues. But he management did not
do that. So, all I had left with is an extra fan.
Did I mention that from time to time the air
coming in my office picked up smells form other rooms, so sometimes I could
sniff someone cooking, or smoking, or doing chemical experiments.
Again, fortunately, that was not the only place where
I could do my work.
Appendix III
Over the last ten years or so, the condition of
our roads has significantly deteriorated. Holes, cracks,
patches which are no much better than potholes. It looks like no one
manages the road condition any more. No one is responsible for that.
Appendix IV
More examples from a large research university.
Too often people park in such manner that they
almost block the driveway. There is no way a bog track could pass this car.
Including the one which drives every several hours to check on illegally parked
cars. This driver is either a jerk or an idiot. And no one cares.
Same story here.
The result of having not been taught about any
work ethic: https://youtu.be/hQuwGDyp780
When I was a
student, I was taught to leave the room in the same condition it was when
we (students) entered the room (i.e clean).
me, this is an obvious part of the ethical conduct of any true professional - I
believe that, ultimately, the goal of a university is to teach what does it mean to
be a professional. After the graduation students will forget 99% of physics they have studied. But they will remember what a true professional behavior is.
Or at least, they should.
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