Dr. Voroshilov: from A to Z A driven professional, an eloquent expert, a productive author, and a collaborative colleague: (Professional past, present, and future)
Two short video presentations:
This page offers the latest posts on Philosophy Of Education
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The mission (i.e. the reason for
existence) of education
as a human practice is to ensure the progress of humanity.
as a human practice is to ensure the progress of humanity.
The mission of education as
a social institution
is enabling people to succeed
in life.
The mission of educational institutions in higher education is equipping people with relevant professional and general knowledge and skills.
The main function of an educational institution is Teaching: i.e. guiding students through an arrangement of
learning experiences specifically designed for helping students with mastering
subjects, acquiring relevant social skills, and feeling good about themselves.
The mission (i.e. the reason for existence) of science as a human practice is understanding the
world in its entirety (outside and inside human subjects); i.e. developing
exact description of the world’s structure and evolution.
The mission of a
specific science is making reliable predictions in a specific scientific
The mission of a scientist as an agent of that practice is discovering
truth and presenting it in a testable form.
The mission of a scientific institution
is advancing sciences.
The mission of a teacher is fostering in students
his/her love for learning.
The mission of a science teacher
is sharing with students the feeling of pleasure from thinking.
The mission of a mentor is
sharing with students the feeling of pleasure from doing the right thing.
The mission of a parent is making children
feeling safe, loved, and confident.
The mission of humanity
is making world a better place

Why do Science Teachers Leave a School?
Do we really know if active forms of learning better than a simple lecture?
Do we really know if active forms of learning better than a simple lecture?

Strategies and Technology for Generation and Analysis of Longitudinal
High Frequency Data Streams from Faculty and Students

The Strategy to Curb The Student Loans Debt Crisis.
The Road To World Domination Lies Through Mass Education: Part I

The Road To World Domination Lies Through Mass Education; Part II

A free advice to a University President
Three presentations for AAPT meetings (pdfs):
“The "Manhattan Project" approach to development of STEM education”

This webpage offers some additional publications (old or short).
The links to all six my applications to the NSF 2026 Big Idea Machine (from August 31, 2018 to October 26, 2018):
1. Entry125253: High Frequency Data Streams in Education
(link to the full text)
2. Entry124656: objective measures of physics knowledge
(link to the full text)
3. Entry125317: National database teacher PD
(link to the full text)
4. Entry124655: role of NSF in funding education
(link to the full text)
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